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On October 7, 2017, the Talking Board Historical Society joined with the Satanic Temple to bring the exhibition “Planchette to Baphomet, Ouija’s Deal with the Devil” to Salem, Massachusetts. The evening included lectures by TBHS directors John Kozik and Calvin Von Crush. Directors Robert Murch and Rick “Ormortis” Schreck helped with a question and answer session afterwards.

Discussed were the Ouija board’s dark and mysterious history and its association with good and evil through the years. Among other things, visitors learned that the Ouija board has history in Salem. First introduced in Baltimore in 1890, it was later manufactured in Parker Brothers’ Salem factory and actually outsold Monopoly in the 1960s.

Over 100 vintage talking boards, rare photographs and articles were on display throughout the month of October—good news for Salem visitors who missed the main event. On sale was the Talking Board Historical Society’s first official talking board.


If you missed it in Salem, it’s available from the Shop TBHS link at the top of this page.

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