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In 2016, the SFO Museum partnered with the TBHS to create “The Mysterious Talking Board – Ouija and Beyond.” It was the first large-scale West Coast exhibit of talking boards from TBHS directors Gene Orlando and Robert Murch and was available to anyone arriving or departing Terminal 2 at San Francisco International Airport. The SFO Museum has the distinction of being the only accredited museum in an airport and it was really apparent why after seeing the effort put forth in this amazing exhibition. Dozens of talking boards and pictures were beautifully featured along the wall and in cabinets. Captions explaining the talking board’s roots in Spiritualism and contribution to popular culture made the exhibit informative and fun. Sitting areas allowed weary travelers a place to rest while experiencing this rare and unusual experience. The show lasted for six months and had very positive media reviews, many reporting that it was the most unusual exhibit they had ever seen.

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